So, since the mountain goat excitement, I have summitted another mountain, this one had an exceptional vista. It was a full-day affair - 15 miles round trip. Hiking up mountains is one of the most satisfying things I have done in a while. I think that it has something to do with tangible results. You set a goal, move toward it, conquer and get some exercise while you're at it. What's not to love?
Speaking of conquering, with the help of a very helpful book entitled Pie in the Sky: Successful Baking at High Altitudes I have conquered my fear of baking in Montana! This was proven by a loaf of tasty zucchini bread followed by a souffle! I had never made a souffle before, and no, I have not seen Julie and Julia, I instead was reading This blog post and felt empowered and inspired. It was adapted from a plain cheese souffle into a seasonal fresh sweet corn, bacon and gouda souffle. Take that high altitudes! I'm not afraid of you anymore- I've even started running again.
If anyone decides to come and visit me, I'll make you a souffle of your choosing (within reason). I've even used a soft-focus photo to entice you. And now you know that is not an empty promise.
Here's another thing that happens in Montana- sheep drives. It was hot, I was a little fussy and I felt as though we waited around a little too long just to see sheeps run through town, but at least I got this sweet photo out of the deal (No one was injured by a jumping sheep).
Lastly, Dear old dad came out for a visit. John Compton used my relocation as an excuse to go on a fun motorcycle trip with an old high school buddy. It was great to see some family and I think we're going to make the perilous late fall trip to Oregon for Thanksgiving- through icy passes and sub-zero temperatures. This is how much I miss you, friends and family (who are in Oregon).