My new job is weird, as it turns out. Today marks my 2 week stint with this company, and I''m just starting to figure out where I stand.
I work well with deadlines, tasks, projects, and being good at what I do. I have been having some anxiety about my job, and not knowing what is expected of me. My first assignments were to re-do the company website (let it be known that I do not have any experience in web-design) and also to write a couple of summaries on several multi-million dollar contracts. In retrospect these tasks seem like tests. Seeing as how I work for a consulting firm that implements business solutions, usually in the way of a new software system (ERP- Enterprise Resource Planning) and helps the client do business more efficiently. This job lends itself to people who are really tech-savvy, you know, computer science majors... um, people who have taken accounting classes... let's just say that my boss took a gamble on me and my anthropology degree, and I really, really hate to disappoint.
Oh. And I've been working from home for the most part. This in itself is absurd- and I haven't quite decided if I like it or not. Seems ideal, right? Well, it was only this week, 2 days ago, that a few people were nice to me. Not that anyone was mean, but I wasn't really being paid attention to, and felt that I wasn't getting the direction that I needed. Turns out I am going to be trained in a software program (Microsoft Dynamics Axapta)- and that training is spread out over the next 3 months. This is good. I like deadlines. I also like being certified in things.
The only thing that puts me off about working in the office is the commute. It's about 15 miles from my house to the office. I've never done the car commute before... it's a bit strange, but there is a strange feeling of solidarity when you're out there with the masses. Granted, I theoretically could be riding my bike, and probably will when my schedule gets a little more stable and I start spending more time in the office.
... We'll see how it goes...